Archrock supports veterans more than most. In addition to operating the largest fleet of natural gas compressors in the United States, Archrock focuses on providing careers to those who have served.
First, Archrock provides the equipment and services necessary to deliver clean burning natural gas that powers America. They have built their reputation on 65 years of operating with the highest standards in safety, integrity, and reliability.
Then, having extensive expertise and the largest U.S. footprint allows Archrock to serve clients in a way no other company can. Next, they boast a rich history of accomplishments, and they’re just getting started.
Plus, Archrock assesses employee satisfaction and engagement annually. Based on those results, the company tasks teams with developing action plans to address opportunities for improvement.
Today, they have policies and practices that address, among other things, diversity and hiring of veterans. Stay tuned to learn why and how Archrock supports veterans.