Our team is in St. Petersburg, Florida, and with the help of our generous partners, we are kicking off the Mitchell family makeover!
Our amazing partners at Til Valhalla Project are back to provide our volunteers with their beautifully designed Military Makeover tees!
We’re happy to have the team from Del-Air here to give the home much-needed air conditioning upgrades.
After hearing how active our veteran Matthew and his family are, our friends at Perrigo and Compeed have joined us to surprise them!
Our home makeover isn’t the only surprise that we have in store for our veteran. Thanks to our great partners at Rack Room Shoes, we’ll be surprising the family with an amazing selection of shoes!
We’re happy to be joined by the team at Cohen Veterans Bioscience to spread knowledge on the amazing research that they’re doing relating to traumatic brain injuries and PTSD.