As the demo continues inside the house, the exterior is making great progress as well! How? New fencing, of course!
As always, Military Makeover is interested in the Hixon family’s future. They want to make sure their residence stays in tip-top shape for years to come.
That means enhancing the value, beauty, and value of the home, from the inside and out. Add safety and privacy into the mix, and it sounds like the Hixon home needs a new, high-quality fence.
Master Halco and Alta are here with the perfect solution! They are combining their PostMaster Plus line of products with Alta Western Red Cedar fencing.
Continued excellence with proven performance, Master Halco is the leader and innovator of the Original PostMaster. Furthermore, the versatile and long-lasting system can be installed with any style of fence.
We can’t wait to see the finished product at the Hixon home. The new fencing will make the backyard look and feel beautiful for years to come. In addition, it will add ample privacy and security for the Hixon family.